Works of yesterday
There is nota before and anafterin the poeticsof an artistbutacontinuingnaturaltransformationthatalways respectsacommondenominatorthatthe function ofconnectand highlightthose specificcreativeapparently differentbut substantially”almost”equal to themselves: theworksthat altogetherfollow each otherover timemay be perceived as”infinite” variations on the sametheme…..the manpictured in hisexistential condition of, moral and social
In the first phaseof my opera, let’s say until the birthof the artistic project”BEYOND THE BORDER” there is, roughly, theintentionto graspthe “man”in his everyday lifewherethe nature orthings that surround himhavewith himadialectical role….”After”there isthe crowd, thechaotic collectionofindividualitythat seem to havelostthemselvesinanabsurd gameofreflexes, stains and improbableexpressions.
Roberto Bosco
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